
What can we do for you?

Private Voice Lessons / Vocal Coach:
Nicole has been teaching private voice lessons for over 20 years.  She learned from the masters and has specialized in a combination of classical, pop, and belt (widely used on Broadway and in musical theater).  If you are interested in vocal lessons, contact Nicole via our contact page.

Nicole studied Music Dance Theater in college and has become skilled at making non-dancers look legit.  She incorporates clever moves and precision to "trick" the audience into believing they are watching professional dancers.  See the video clip, "3 Styles of Dance."  Along with her own shows, she has choreographed shows at several local schools.  
If your project needs a trained choreographer, you can contact Nicole via our contact page.  

Nicole has been a director of Broadway caliber shows for over 20 years - working with a wide range of talent.  She is a master of making a show come to life through her creative directing style.  If your show is in need of a talented director,  contact Nicole via our contact page.

Set Design / Set Construction:
Todd has been designing and building sets on the side for the past ten years.  He has learned to use a wide variety of medium to put together stunning sets that meet the needs each production.  If you need help with set design or construction, contact Todd through our contact page.

Prop Creation:
Gathering props is one thing, but fabricating and making custom props takes skill.  Todd has been designing and creating props for shows since 2010.  We can help with your show too!  Let us know by using our contact page.

Sound Setup / Body Mics:
 Sound technicians are common, but someone who has experience with using body mics on actors and dancers is rare.  Todd has been working behind the scenes getting the most out of body mics in theatrical productions for nearly a decade.  If you need someone with years of experience use our contact page.

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